About Us

Meditation for Moms
Who are we

About Sahaja Yoga Meditation

Sahaja Yoga Meditation is a non-profit organization founded in 1970 by the Mother, grandmother, wife, and spiritual leader Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Even from a young age, Shri Mataji showed a deep understanding of the complexities of human beings as well as their potential to rise above any challenges they might face to become something truly great. Shri Mataji developed a simple technique for awakening that potential in the form of the kundalini, a powerful, innocent, and mothering energy placed inside every individual.
Inner energy

Power within us

Everyone, no matter where we come from, what we look like, or what language we speak, has a hidden power built inside us known as the kundalini. The kundalini is a dormant, Mothering energy which rests inside the sacrum (sacred) bone. When this Mothering power is awakened, she nourishes and balances us from the inside out. Like a Mother, she knows what our strengths and challenges are, where we need help, and she immediately goes to work. Our nerves become soothed, and as a result our lives begin to feel more balanced. We find it easier to overcome bad habits and let go of the past. We may even discover new talents. What is the key to unlock this energy? Simply to have a desire for the energy to be awakened is all that is needed.

Chakras and Channels

All the strength and wisdom you need to balance your life as a Mom, spouse, friend, and professional are placed inside you in what is known as the subtle system. Ancient people described this system as chakras and nadis, but today we understand this to be at minimum the plexuses of our autonomous nervous system. These chakras or plexuses are responsible for our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being, and each chakra has specific qualities built inside. These qualities are what make us uniquely human, and we draw on them every minute of every day.
About us

Shri Mataji and role in family

A successful society stands on the strength of its families, and on our roles and relationships with each other. Shri Mataji often expressed her vision of such a balanced society, and throughout her life, she was an ideal example of the varied roles a woman can fulfill in the family, in the community, and on the world stage. She assumed responsibility within her family at an early age. Though not the eldest, she took care of her many siblings while her parents were busily engaged in the struggle for Indian independence — a movement she, too, would join as a young woman. When a wife and mother, Shri Mataji cared for her children and supported her husband as they travelled internationally for his work.
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